
Jimanekia Eborn Joined Us On SexTalkTuesday To Discuss The Stigma Of Male Sexual Assault Survivors.

This week on SexTalkTuesday the topic of male sexual assault survivors and the stigma surrounding them was guest moderated by Jimanekia Eborn. This not often touched on topic was serious and thought provoking. And to be very clear, for anyone out there, discussing such things can trigger memories of traumatic events. So if anyone feels […]

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Professor Sex Came To SexTalkTuesday To Talk About World AIDS Day.

This week on SexTalkTuesday we discussed World AIDS Day with Angel Kalafatis. Regular testing, barrier protection, and real knowledge shared freely are key to making AIDS something long forgotten. Ending the stigma of HIV infection helps with this goal by allowing for real discussion and the dissemination of the facts of viral loads and transmission. […]


Fleshlight Came To SexTalkTuesday To Talk About The Taboo Of Masturbation & Sex Toys!

Fleshlight lead the discussion about the taboo surrounding masturbation and the use of sex toys this week, and many had a wealth of things to say! The consensus seems to be that these taboos stem from a Victorian Era sensibility and have no true place in a more modern and liberal world. However, these taboos […]